Ductor is a growing biotech company from Finland. Their mission is to unlock bio-resources to make food sustainable and energy clean. Ductor has been working with Mazhr since 2018 in many hiring projects and team review.
Bernard Fenner, CEO
Arja Frejborg, Head of HR

Project Manager Mazhr: Antero Ojanaho, CSO and Head Coach
Ductor is a leading global company in the cutting-edge industry of circular biotechnology. To be successful, this requires us to build teams of competent and motivated people around the world.

Mazhr has helped Ductor in building a global organization that operates in Europe, US, and Mexico.

"I recommend Mazhr to everyone who wants to achieve strategic business goals by optimizing teams to use strengths with high motivation." -Bernard Fenner, CEO, Ductor

Arja Frejborg: "We have been using Mazhr's tools for 4 years now and are very impressed and very happy to continue doing that. With latest updates and for us, a new addition was Mazhr's Team Audit, where all our personnel were involved. At the moment, when recruiting new talents to our team, it is extremely easy to see what competencies and skills we need more to be able to be a Super Team. So thank you Mazhr and specially Antero Ojanaho, for all the support and coaching!

“We have used Mazhr assessments and reports, and they are extremely easy to understand. Since Ductor operates globally, it is important that with one click our recruiter in Singapore can handle recruiting successfully in whole Asia. We have been able to screen, sort and rank the potential candidates.

This has not only saved us time, but we have found the right ones to interview and hire. Ductor has been happy, and we have received positive feedback from candidates. Mazhr has a lot of features in a small package. It is easy and fun to use – for us and for our candidates!”
What we are best at

Services in Ductor projects

Mazhr Talent Matching
Find the right talent
Find the right talent or identify it within your organization. Matching to the team is based on assessed personality, motivational factors and values.
Mazhr Team Analytics
Build great teams
Understand your team dynamics, competencies and values with Mazhr Team Analytics. Based on the data, you can build balanced and efficient teams.
Optimize teams to drive success and well-being
Make HR decisions easier with Mazhr analytics and insights to drive team performance, well-being and long-term success. Match unique individual needs and strategic business goals.